Lymphedema is an abnormal increase of protein-rich fluid that causes swelling in the arms and legs. If left untreated it can interfere with wound healing and increase the risk of infection. Through effective management, patients can reduce pain and swelling, promote wound healing, prevent skin infections and improve functioning of the affected limb and quality of life.

We offer a personalized, comprehensive treatment program to help patients who have or are at risk for lymphedema caused by radiation and/or cancer surgeries, trauma, infections, filariasis, tumors, obesity, venous insufficiency and congenital/hereditary disorders. Therapists teach patients how to reduce swelling, prevent infection and improve function and home management.

Our lymphedema therapists have all received advanced certification in manual lymphatic drainage techniques and lymphedema treatment.

Key Treatment Components

  • Manual lymph drainage
  • Compression bandaging
  • Skin care
  • Exercise
  • Compression garment fitting
  • Patient education