Our Program and Participants

The Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Program is designed to help individuals with heart disease address and reduce their cardiovascular risk factors, improve their health and fitness, manage symptoms and lower their risk of a repeat heart event. Our goal is to support lifestyle behavior changes to promote long-term health.

Our program is geared towards individuals recovering from any of the following:

  • Stable angina
  • Angioplasty/stent
  • Heart attack
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Heart valve repair/replacement
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Heart or heart/lung transplant
  • Other cardiovascular conditions

Our risk reduction strategies target:

  • High blood pressure
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Diabetes
  • Weight management
  • Exercise
  • Stress and depression
  • Smoking


An initial assessment by the Cardiac Rehab Team will provide the basis for developing an individualized treatment plan that will take into account your medical history, heart disease status, risk factors and personal goals.

Treatment Plan

Studies have found that cardiac rehabilitation helps men and women of all ages with various types of heart conditions. Our program includes the following services:

Exercise Training

Under the direction of a cardiologist, our classes are supervised by nurses and clinical exercise physiologists, tailored to each participant's needs, and include:

  • ECG monitored heart rate and rhythm
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Symptom recognition and management
  • Personal exercise prescription including cardiovascular, strength and functional mobility
  • Exercise equipment safety instruction
  • Guidelines for home exercise and resuming activities

Education Classes

All program participants will receive cardiac lifestyle education classes, counseling and support on risk factor reduction including blood pressure and lipid management, heart-healthy eating, weight management, medication management, stress management, healthy sleep tips and emotional support. Further resources on diabetes, smoking cessation and dietitian referrals are available.

Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation begins when you are cleared and referred by your cardiologist. The program includes cardiac monitoring, education, counseling and a final appointment to review your progress and set new goals.


  • Nutrition: Consultation with our Registered Dietician
  • Risk Factor Reduction: Assessment of your personal risk factors
  • Behavioral Modification: Psychological stress assessment and counseling

Maintaining your Health and Well-being

Exercise, daily activities, proper nutrition, stress management, good sleep and emotional health all play an important role in keeping your heart and your body healthy. After completion of the program, participants are encouraged to continue following their at home treatment plan while building healthy habits.


A referral from your physician is required to participate in the program. We can help you obtain this.

Call (415) 750-5617 for referral assistance.

Insurance Coverage

You are encouraged to check your insurance policy as many provide coverage for these services.