Surgery Consideration

When lifestyle changes or medications do not ease your GYN symptoms, you may want to consider surgery.

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure allowing doctors to diagnose or treat problems of the uterus using a hysteroscope. A hysteroscope is a thin, lighted telescope-like tube that is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. An image is transmitted to a video monitor for visualization and inspection, while other instruments are used for treatment. Often the procedure takes less than 5 minutes. A hysteroscopy can be performed in the office and is effectively used for:

  • Ablation
  • Diagnostics
  • Essure tubal occlusion
  • Myoma resection
  • Polyp removal
  • Septum resection

Laparoscopy is minimally invasive surgery using a laparoscope, a long, thin tube with a high-intensity light and camera that is inserted through small incisions in the abdominal wall. Images are projected onto a video monitor, while additional small incisions are used to insert surgical instruments and perform procedures. The small incisions result in very little visible scarring. Laparoscopy is performed in the hospital, usually as a same-day procedure and is effectively used for:

Mini/Microlaparoscopy has revolutionized laparoscopic surgery. While a standard laparoscopic procedure uses incisions approximately ½ - ¼ inch in length, the mini/microlaparoscopic procedure uses even smaller incisions, approximately 1/10 of an inch in length, and smaller instruments. This means certain procedures can be performed with less anesthesia resulting in even less pain and quicker recovery. Depending on the procedure, mini/microlaparoscopy may be performed in the operating room and is effectively used for:

  • Diagnostic evaluation of pain
  • Lysis of adhesions
  • Mild endometriosis
  • Oophorectomy
  • Ovarian cystectomy
  • Simple hysterectomy
  • Tubal procedures

Cystoscopy is used to examine the inside of the bladder. The physician uses a cystoscope, a thin tube with a camera and light at the end, inserted through the urethra to visualize the inside of the bladder. Images are projected to a video monitor screen for your physician to view. A cystoscopy is used to investigate conditions such as blood in the urine (hematuria), frequent urinary tract infections (UTI), overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, urinary track blockage, or pelvic pain. A cystoscopy is usually performed in the office for:

  • Diagnosis

Vaginal procedures to correct injuries, defects, damage, or deformities of the vagina caused by childbirth or congenital or organic conditions are usually performed in the hospital and include:

  • Bartholin cyst marsupialization or resection
  • Conization of the cervix
  • Perineoplasty
  • Vaginal repair
  • Vulvoplasty

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