The advantages of robotic GYN surgery include smaller incisions, less scarring, quicker recovery, less blood loss, and less post-operative pain. Experienced board-certified GYN surgeons who are experts in the field of robotic surgery are critical to your successful outcome and recovery.

GYN Robotic Surgical Procedures Offered At UCSF Health Saint Francis Hospital

Hysterectomy - utilizing robotic surgical techniques, surgeons have the ability to perform a partial (removing only uterus) or total (removing cervix and uterus) hysterectomy in a minimally invasive manner (without having to open the patient). This surgical option has been extended to almost all patients with the use of the robot, greatly enhancing patient comfort, speeding recovery, and expediting return-to-work time frame.

Myomectomy (fibroid removal) - utilizing robotic surgical techniques, most patients that were previously not considered candidates for laparoscopic myomectomy resection, due to size, location, or number of fibroids, may now have their procedure performed using robotic techniques with superior uterine reconstruction. Fertility-sparing robotic myomectomy involves removing the fibroids while repairing and keep the uterus intact.

Endometriosis resection - choosing fertility-sparing robotic endometriosis resection is a game changer for women who want to build a family in the future. Utilizing robotic techniques is an effective treatment for dyspareunia (p)ainful intercourse, while working around vital reproductive structures to maintain fertility. For other women, robotic radical endometriosis resection, removing the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and uterus, can help ensure they will not require future surgery. This technique will help alleviate dyspareunia associated with endometriosis while preserving normal tissues and nerves. Additionally, multidisciplinary procedures combined with urology or general surgery to treat deep infiltrating endometriosis can also benefit from a robotic approach.

Cervical cancer surgery - depending on the age of the patient and the extent of the cancer, treatment options vary. But in certain cases, a partial or total hysterectomy with removal of the lymph nodes may be recommended. Surgeon experience is crucial to procedure success, particularly with complex surgeries involving cancer. Many patients benefit from robotic hysterectomy surgery, as it is less invasive and more precise than traditional open surgery.

Ovarian cyst removal - robotic surgery can assist with removing larger cysts or cysts that have recurred. Simple ovarian cysts tend to resolve without medical intervention. To avoid the risk of a delayed ovarian cancer diagnosis, complex cysts require further evaluation, follow up, and treatment.

Sacrocolpopexy pelvic organ prolapse repair - the prolapse of any pelvic floor organ, including the bladder, uterus, vagina or rectum, occurs when the supporting ligaments and muscles become weak and unable to hold the organs in their natural positions. Sacrocolpopexy is a surgical technique for repairing pelvic organ prolapse to restore natural organ anatomy and function.

Uterine/Endometrial cancer surgery - nearly 40,000 American women are diagnosed with a gynecological cancer each year and of these cancers, uterine/endometrial cancer is the most common. The standard recommended treatment for uterine/endometrial cancer is hysterectomy (removal) of the uterus; this may or may not include removal of the fallopian tubes ovaries, and lymph nodes. When performed robotically, women experience less pain, quicker recovery, and virtually no scarring.

Specialized GYN Robotic Surgical Procedures Delivered By Our Robotic Surgeons

Abdominal cerclage - robotic techniques to treat an incompetent cervix is an attractive alternative to traditional surgery. Patients experience less pain, smaller incisions, and many times return home the same day and resume their normal activities within one to two days. Many women have gone on to have a successful pregnancy after cervical competency is restored using this alternative method of cerclage placement.

Cesarean scar diverticulum resection - cesarean scar defect is a complication resulting from a cesarean birth. Symptoms include abnormal bleeding, pain, miscarriage, and failed pregnancy. Utilizing robotic techniques to resect and repair the scar tissue and reconstruct the lower uterine segment patients have reported less abnormal bleeding, menstrual pain and discomfort, as well as restored fertility. The magnification and precision of the robot allows the surgeon to perform a more accurate repair while still maintaining the benefit of small incisions and a fast recovery.

Tubal re-anastomosis - robotic technology allows tubal ligation reversal (re-anastomosis) to be performed minimally invasively with greater visualization during the intricate process of reconnecting Fallopian tubes. Because the uterus and Fallopian tubes remain in their natural location during robotic surgery, patients experience reduced scarring, less pain, and a shorter hospital length of stay. In nearly all cases, patients are discharged home the same day, recover more rapidly, and return to work quicker.

Correction of müllerian defects - a congenital malformation of the female reproductive system (müllerian defects) can be difficult to identify and may only be recognized at the onset of puberty or when a woman becomes sexually active. Robotic surgical techniques have allowed surgeons to help women with müllerian defects experience normal sexual intercourse, and helped improved their fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Surgeons require significant experience and expertise to attain the desired results while retaining fertility potential.

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