A person suffering from burns is highly susceptible to infection, sometimes even more so than others. We invite family and friends to visit between 11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m., and to adhere to the instructions below in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Please check in at the nurses' station to make sure your loved one can receive visitors as there may be doctors, nurses, social workers, and therapists currently with the patient.

  • All visitors must wash their hands prior to entering the unit. Hand gel is located at the entrance to the unit.
  • Fresh flowers or live plants are not allowed in the unit. The items carry germs and can be harmful to patients. Artificial flowers and balloons are allowed.
  • Immediate family and significant others may visit patients. Only two visitors are allowed at a time. Children under the age of 12 years are not allowed to visit, except under special pre-approved circumstances.
  • The center's kitchen is not to be used by visitors or patients. Please ask the staff of assistance.
  • Unlimited visiting privileges may be extended to relatives of critically ill patients on the approval of the doctor or nurse manager.
  • Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight.

Additional Bothin Burn Center Bedside Guidelines

We understand how important visiting is to patients and their loved ones. Because a burn is a very serious condition, we have some strict guidelines to protect the health and wellness of your loved one. If you or loved ones have any questions please feel free to speak with Bothin Burn Center staff, they are always happy to answer any of your questions.

  • All visitors are required to wear disposable cover gowns when visiting the patient in his/her room. This protects the patient from contamination. Before leaving the patient's room, gowns are removed and discarded.
  • Do not move chairs, tables or pillows from one patient to another. Do not share food between patients. Our staff is available to assist you.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or hand gel/wipes each time you enter the patient's room. If you are visiting more than one patient, you must wash your hands, change your gown and wash your hands again, before visiting the other patient.
  • While visiting the patient, do not touch any equipment or patient care related items. You may touch the patient's personal items.
  • You may assist the patient with meals. Please wash your hands before handling food.